Top 10 psychological thrillers that you must watch.

Read till the end of the post if you are an fanatic of psychological thrillers. Following is a list of 10 might not be the most popular but most worthy movies under this 'genre' .

Horror movies revolves around more 'supernatural' things in which, if a ghost pops out of no where it won't be surprising for viewers. But, on the other hand psychological thrillers takes our brain on that journey to find answers for various happenings In a movie.

Well frankly many of us did not like the 'conjuring' and 'insidious' series. Like seriously, if it wasn't about the 'true story' thing, it wouldn't have got this much applause.

Moving forward let's have a look at these 10 movies list which is divided into two parts, this one includes five psychological thrillers and the next has the other five. 


The movie is a friendly family movie until its half, from which things start to take a nasty turn. The movie didn't get that famous, but it can make a place in your favourites.

2)case 39

Like orphan, case 39 also revolves around pretty much the same basic outline of the story. This movie probably falls under horror genre of it was too be critiqued on the basis of few scenes, but it does take you on a case study to find the truth.


This one is one of my favourite movies in which James McCoy has done marvelous work. Surprisingly the sequel of the movie is ' glass'. Mr shyamalan has done a wonderful job with the plots of both the movies and its worth a watch.

4)Geralds game.

A movie which shows how your brain works under various life and death could watch this movie on Netflix anytime, but surely watch it.

5)black swan

The determination to achieve something so badly can take you on to a war with yourself,this movie I recommend it to everyone.
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